Personalized Product Recommendations on a Marketing email Campaign.
Drive an Increase in Sales by Displaying Relevant Product Recommendations Unique to the Customer.
Our team supplied the client’s digital marketing team with personalized content for over 50 million customers. We built an Artificial Intelligence powered Personalized Product Recommendation Engine utilizing customer sales data, a tensor flow neural network, and microservices. The products and the product images that our team recommended were unique to each customer and were featured in the body of the client’s e-mail during a 2024 Valentines Day campaign. The recommendations were A/B tested by displaying the content to a randomized 50% of the emails and compared to the 50% of emails which did not receive the personalized content.
After A/B Testing, it was found that our Personalized Product
Recommendation Engine led to a lift in sales of 42.1% for the clients Valentines Day e-mail Campaign.