Advanced Demand Forecasting Engine


Demand Forecasting Module.


Optimize the Demand Forecasting Ability of the Organization to Reduce Waste and Increase Sales.

Our Solution:

Unparalleled forecasting accuracy was achieved via ensembling multiple cutting edge models into one environment. Ensembling models allows for an algorithm to choose the best model for each various niche in our highly dimensional dataset. Our unique “Champion vs Challenger” approach allows for models to compete
against each other for utilization at every level of granularity in the matrices. This competition results in a far more accurate forecast at the most granular level of detail. For our customer we predicted sales for each store, SKU, and day; through enforcing the Facebook Prophet, Vertex AI, ARIMA, SVM, and numerous other AI solutions to compete against each other. The output provides precise and actionable insights. Accuracy surpassed traditional solutions like JDA and Blue Yonder. Our solution was developed and built directly within the client’s cloud environment. After the validation phase we ported our output into the clients downstream systems for production


After A/B Testing, it was found that our Demand Forecasting Engine led to a $150,000,000 lift in incremental annual revenue for the client.